Guide to submitting an article for publication

The bi-monthly subscription magazine is the Official Publication of the Australian Orchid Council Inc. and as such provides an avenue for the presentation of information relating to orchids, reports by clubs re their shows etc. Whilst the majority of the magazines are sent to Australians, we do have them sent to approximately thirty overseas countries.

The AOC does not offer a fee for articles presented, since the magazine is prepared by two volunteers and the production is run on the basis of costs being covered by subscriptions and advertising. We are well served by several regular contributors, but most welcome other editorial contributions at any time.


We welcome any articles relating to orchids, whether they are academic or hobby based. We prefer that they be non-commercial, a-political and not of a controversial nature; however, we welcome issues being raised that can be debated.


We prefer that articles be no longer than six pages in the published format, inclusive of pictures. Longer articles may be divided into two parts and published in consecutive issues for content balance.

We request that all articles be sent directly to:

The Editor, Orchids Australia
Mr Stephen Lynch
PO Box 530

South Australia 5345.

Tel: 08 8588 7384

Email: Contact Editor


Please send articles as MS Word format documents, with any allied pictures to be sent not embedded in the word document. They can be sent separately as jpeg files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Selections of articles are archived on our website from which you may gain an indication of the range of topics which have been covered and the depth of treatment given in them. view archives

Copy deadlines are:

       edition - last copy

  • February -  December 15th
  • April - February 15th
  • June - April 15th
  • August - June 15th
  • October - August 15th
  • December - October 15th