Award no: 5693
Genus: Cymbidium
Plant name:
Cym. Templestowe Charm 'Julie'
Owner: Wain D.  Show all awards this owner
Award: AM/AOC 2017 (VIC)
Points: 81.50
Date: 20.Sep.2017
Event: Warringal club meeting
Description: 5 inflorescences of 770mm with 69 flowers (14 relevant); petals and sepals Red Purple 64A; labellum Throat Yellow Group 18A Base of labellum Red purple group 65A
Parentage: Cym Akebono x Cym Valley Olympic  List all awards this grex or species
Flower length: 80.0
Flower width: 77.0
Flower petal: 43L 30W
Dorsal sepal: 46L 35W
Ventral sepal: 51L 38W
Labellum: 32L 31W
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