Hybrid of the year (Orchid of the year prior to 1995)
6929 Den. Brimbank Elite 'Sydenham' FCC/AOC 2023 (VIC) 85.00 04.Aug.2023 owner: Drobski M.Five inflorescences 79 Flowers 14 relevant on inflorescence 235mm. Notes- large flat flowers with clear colour and outstanding think substance. All segments Base colour of Yellow/orange group 4D, Labellum White group NN155C dotted with Red group 53A | |
6859 Paph. Wossner Favourite 'Colette' FCC/AOC 2022 (NSW) 85.60 14.Dec.2022 owner: Yee T.Total number of inflorescence 1, Total flower count 1, Number of flowers on relevant inflorescence 1, Length of relevant inflorescence 77mm. Segments base colour Green White group 157A with markings of Greyed Red group 178B. Labellum base colour Green White group 157A with markings of greyed Red group 178B on disc | |
6563 Paph. Johanna Burkhardt 'Stephen' FCC/AOC 2021 (QLD) 86.20 30.Aug.2021 owner: Cox S.1 inflorescence of 630mm with 4 flowers; all segments Greyed/yellow 161C striped and spotted with greyed/purple 183B | |
6354 Phrag. Samuel Crothers 'Julian' FCC/AOC 2020 (VIC) 86.00 27.Jul.2020 owner: Coker M.1 inflorescence of 150mm with 1 flower;all segments Red/purple 71A; staminade fades to white | |
6118 Paph. Hsinying Malone'Yeowie' FCC/AOC 2019 (NSW) 87.90 08.Aug.2019 owner: Ho S.T.1 inflorescence of 213mm with 1 flower; petals Base suffused red purple 59C striped in green 141C and spotted with grey purple N186C; sepals Base colour white 155D, striped yellow green 141C with over-stripes of red purple 159A; labellum Grey purple 186C | |
6008 Paph. Susan Booth 'Paracombe' FCC/AOC 2018 (NSW) 85.40 24.Nov.2018 owner: Judge D.2 inflorescences with 8 flowers (4 relevant); petals and sepals Base colour Yellow Green 150C with stripes of brown group 200B; labellum Base colour yellow green 150D with striping and blushing in greyed red group 182C | |
5709 Paph. Johanna Burkhardt 'Ella' FCC/AOC 2017 (QLD) 85.50 08.Sep.2017 owner: Goostrey B.1 inflorescence of 730mm with 4 flowers; petals and sepals Greyed/yellow 161C with spots and stripes of Brown 200A; labellum Greyed/yellow 161C brushed with Brown 200d and veined brown 200A | |
5468 Den. Avril's Gold 'Calderpark' FCC/AOC 2016 (NSW) 85.50 29.Aug.2016 owner: Lewry R.5 inflorescences of 270mm with 125 flowers (25 relevant); petals and sepals Base colour yellow orange group 17B fading to yellow orange 18B but sepals have spotting of grey purple 187B; labellum Base colour yellow orange 18A. Side lobes dark speckled grey purple group N186C | |
5326 Cym. Black Stump 'Come In Spinner' FCC/AOC 2015 (NSW) 88.70 17.Oct.2015 owner: Tinonee Orchids15 inflorescenc es of 815mm with 76 flowersw + 109 buds (64 + 4 relevant); petals and sepals Grey Purple 187A outlined in Yellow group 11D; labellum Grey Purple Group 187A | |
5016 Den. Cosmic Gold 'Sandy' FCC/AOC/2014 (NSW) 85.00 14.Aug.2014 owner: Van Den Berg H.7 inflorescences of 371mm, with 356 flowers (relevant 50) Segments are yellow/orange 20A with speckles of Red/purple 59A on edges; Labellum has white 155b with side lobes of 59A | |
4719 Paph. Harold Koopowitz 'Choc-Mint' FCC/AOC 2013 (QLD) 86.20 18.Mar.2013 owner: Robertson OrchidsAll segments yellow-green, striped greyed purple 183C. Two inflorescences, each with 2 flowers. Stems 770mm. | |
4548 Den. Hot Lips 'Lesley' FCC/AOC 2012 (NSW) 85.00 30.Apr.2012 owner: Bromley G. & L.All segments white 155D with shades of purple-violet. Nine inflorescences, 9 flowers on main one, Total 58 flowers. Stems 340mm. | |
4394 Sarco. Burgundy on Ice 'Fimbria' FCC/AOC 2011 (VIC) 87.00 18.Oct.2011 owner: Garrett G.Segments white 155B, overalid red-purple 64B. Labellum yellow 10B, overlaid red-purple 64B. Fourteen inflorescences, 20 flowers on main one. Total 236 flowers/ 12 buds. Stems 380mm. Pts ACM=81.5 | |
4176 Den. Australian Goldrush 'Sydenham' FCC/AOC 2010 (VIC) 86.00 14.Sep.2010 owner: Drobski M.All segments yellow 12B. Labellum yellow 12B, spotted red 53A. Twenty four inflorescences, 37 flowers on main one. Total 820 flowers. Stems 320mm. | |
4112 Sarco. Burgundy on Ice 'Vo Vo' FCC/AOC 2009 (NSW) 88.00 15.Oct.2009 owner: Roper N.Segments white 155D, centre & spotted greyed purple 1285C. Labellum white 155C, spotted yellow-orange 22A. Twenty three inflorescences. 16 flowers on main one, total 239 flowers. Stems 150mm. | |
3826 Paph. Fanaticum 'Steph' FCC/AOC 2008 (WA) 86.80 06.Oct.2008 owner: Clarke K. & S.Sepals and petals white, marked red-purple 71A. Labellum white, overlaid red-purple 71C. One flower on 480mm stem. | |
3721 C. Elizabeth and Norman 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' AM/AOC 2007 (WA) 80.50 28.Sep.2007 owner: Masters P. & S.All segments red 53B, overlaid purple. Labellum red 53A. One inflorescence, 3 flowers. Stem 100mm. Points for AD=79.7 | |
3649 C. Royal Beau 'Dendi' FCC/AOC 2006 (NSW) 85.00 12.Oct.2006 owner: Dendi OrchidsSegments red-purple 65C. Labellum red-purple 68C, with red-purple 66D at distal end; yellow-orange 23A in throat. One inflorescence, 3 flowers. Stem 63mm. | |
3462 Onc. Desirable 'Girls Night Out' FCC/AOC 2005 (TAS) 86.70 28.Sep.2005 owner: Jackson P. & H.All segments purple 78B, blotched greyed orange 172A, picotee edged red-purple 72A. Labellum purple 78B, blotched greyed orange 172A; crest yellow 7B. One inflorescence, 10 flowers/ 1 bud. Stem 850mm. | |
3270 Rlc. Burdekin Dream 'DJ' FCC/AOC 2004 (QLD) 86.60 06.Jul.2004 owner: Truscott C.Segments white 155A. Labellum white 155A, throat yellow 7A. One flower/ 1 bud. | |
3164 Masd. Midas Touch 'Golden Dynasty' FCC/AOC 2003 (TAS) 85.00 04.May.2003 owner: Ling P. & V.All segments orange-grey 25B. Spotted all over red-grey 46A. Two inflorescences, 2 flowers. Stems 155mm. All segments orange-grey. Two inflorescences, 2 flowers. Stems 155mm. | |
3016 Phal. Carmela's Wonder 'Sharron' FCC/AOC 2002 (QLD) 85.90 10.Oct.2002 owner: Truscott C.Segments white 155C. Labellum white 155C, lower edges & side lobes labellum yellow 6C; striated purple-violet 81B on side lobes with spotting 81B towards back of labellum. One inflorescence; 13 flowers. Stem 1330mm. | |
2781 Rlc. Brunswick Bonanza 'Michael' FCC/AOC 2001 (NSW) 85.50 09.Jul.2001 owner: Vallance G.Petals purple 77C. Sepals purple 77C fading to 77D at apices. Labellum purple-violet 81A throat yellow-orange 23A veined purple-violet 81A. One flower. Stem 158mm. | |
2502 Paph. Saint Swithin 'Jacinta' FCC/AOC 2000 (NSW) 87.30 19.Jan.2000 owner: Saunders R.Petals yellow-green 154D fading to yellow-green 150D. Sepals & labellum yellow-green 154D, sepals striped & labellum veined greyed red 178A. One inflorescence; 4 flowers/ 1 bud. Stem 833mm. | |
2465 Den. Yondi Tina 'Goliath' FCC/AOC 1999 (NSW) 85.50 11.Sep.1999 owner: Fletcher B.Segments yellow-orange 15A. Labellum yellow marked red 53A. Five inflorescences; total 128 flowers (30 on one judged). Stem 320mm. | |
2228 Paph. Global Harmony 'Oasis' AM/AOC 1998 (QLD) 82.00 26.May.1998 owner: McCubbin J. & M.Petals yellow-green 150C overlaid & spotted grey-red 178B. Dorsal white 155D yellow-green 150C (centre) spotted red-purple 59. Ventral yellow-green 150C edged white spotted red-purple 59A. Labellum yellow 2B with red 178B. One flower. Stem 200mm. | |
2123 Paph. Zeus 'Olympic Flame' FCC/AOC 1997 (SA) 85.10 13.Oct.1997 owner: Rankin R. & P.Petals greyed green 194A brushed red-purple 71A spotted black. Dorsal red-purple 59B barred greyed purple 187A. Ventral greyed green 194A edged red-purple 59B striped greyed purple 187A. Labellum greyed purple 187A. One flower. Stem 370mm. Previously awarded AM 1995. | |
1913 Rhnps. Suree 'See's' FCC/AOC 1996 (NSW) 86.10 19.Sep.1996 owner: Heyden N.All segments red-purple 71A. 2 inflorescences; 37 flowers/ 2 buds & 30 flowers/ 2 buds. | |
1523 Aerdv. Renee Gerber 'Timberlea' AM/AOC 1994 (QLD) 80.10 03.Jun.1994 owner: Cobb C.Segments red-purple 69B spotted red-purple 71, blushed red-purple 72C. Labellum red-purple 72B. 2 inflorescences; 700mm stem, 22 flowers/ 10 buds on one judged. | |
0000 07.Feb.2025 owner: | |
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