Paph. Millenium Thunder 'Kessel Run'
HCC/AOC 2024 (VIC) 77.50  02.Aug.2024  Owner: Cocker M. J. Event: Warringal Show
Description: 1 inflorescence 1 flower relevant length N/A. Petals 177Grey Orange group with 145C yellow green group. Dorsal Sepal 149B Yellow Green group, White group 155C, Dots 187A Grey Purple group. Ventral Sepals Grey Green 193B. Labellum Grey Purple 187B.
Dendrobium tetragonum 'Lefroy'
ACM/AOC 2024 (VIC) 82.00  31.Aug.2024  Owner: Sharam J. Event: VRJP Training Day
Description: Very good shape & colour. 22 inflorescences, relevant 5, all segments, overall base colour Yellow/Orange 18D Segment tips Greyed Orange 163B, dark edging on segments & spotting on labellum greyed Purple
Dendrobium tetragonum 'Lefroy'
AM/AOC 2024 (VIC) 82.30  31.Aug.2024  Owner: Sharam J. Event: VRJP Training Day
Description: Very good shape & colour. 22 inflorescences, relevant 5, all segments, overall base colour Yellow/Orange 18D Segment tips Greyed Orange 163B, dark edging on segments & spotting on labellum greyed Purple
Den. Jungle Juice 'Husky'
ACC/AOC 2024 (VIC) 76.00  12.Jul.2024  Owner: Truong N. Event: Maribyrnong Show
Description: An impressively grown and well flowered Plant, 43 Inflorescences total flower count 430 & 15 Buds, relevant 14, All segments white group 155D, spotted with red/purple group 70A, Labellum spotted with Red/Purple 59A
Den. Amphion Axios 'Beres'
AM/AOC 2024 (VIC) 81.00  11.Jun.2024  Owner: Beres N. Event: Maribyrnong Meeting
Description: 18 inflorescences 52 flowers and 22 buds of very large flowers well presented. Relevant 6 flowers Overall base colour 155C with labellum White 155D. Petals striped at back of Red/Purple group 60B, Front stripe Red/Purple group 61A.
Miltonia moreliana 'Campbell'
FCC/AOC 2024 (VIC) 87.00  20.Mar.2024  Owner: Coker J. T. Event: Warringal meeting
Description: 61 Inflorescences 61 flowers, relevant length 300mm large size. Exceptional shape and colour All segments Violet group 86A, Labellum base colour Violet 80B veining 81B.
Paphiopedilum purpuratum fm album 'Distinction'
HCC/AOC 2024 (VIC) 77.00  12.Feb.2024  Owner: Orchids of Distinction Event: Maribyrnong OS meeting
Description: 1 Inflorescence 1 flower length 135mm. Dorsal base colour White NN155D, stiping Green group 143C, Petals base White group 155C, striping Yellow/Green 144D with a green flush. Labellum even flushed Yellow/Green group 145B veins slightly darker
Ons. Knock Out 'Lefroy'
HCC/AOC 2023 (VIC) 77.10  21.Dec.2023  Owner: Sharam J. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 4 Inflorescences 62 flowers & 19 buds, Relevant inflorescence flower count 31 & 2 buds. Intense colour of Petals and sepals, with lighter Labellum Highlighted by white pollen cap. Petals and asepals Greyed Purple 187A, marked edges and reverse Greyed Yellow 161B. Labellum Greyed purple 187D spotted White 155C
Anguloa x ruckeri 'Crucible'
AM/AOC 2023 (VIC) 82.00  15.Nov.2023  Owner: Coker M. Event: Warringal Orchid Society meeting
Description: well presented, strongly coloured flowers 7 Inflorescences 7 flowers, Relevant 210mm inflorescence, base Coloured greyed Red 178A, Yellow/Green 152B edged with greyed Red 178A.
Sarco. George Colthup 'Jemima'
AM/AOC 2023 (VIC) 82.00  10.Sep.2023  Owner: Moss K. Event: Maribyrnong Sarcochilus Show
Description: Beautiful Flat full Flowers with thick Substance. 9 Inflorescences, 155 flowers 28 buds, Relevant 260mm 17 + 4 Buds Base colour all segments White group 155C, Spots on sepals and labellum Red group 46A, Yellow on labellum Yellow group 13A
Den. Yarra Song 'Yellow Clouds'
HCC/AOC 2023 (VIC) 78.20  25.Oct.2023  Owner: Adams P. & S. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 5 Inflorescences 48 flowers, Relevant Inflorescence 115mm 12 flowers. All Segments Base colour Green/Yellow group 1B Callus on lip Yellow group 3A, Stippling on lip Red/Purple group 58C
Den. Australian Flindersmoon 'Suzanne'
AM/AOC 2023 (NSW) 81.40  22.Sep.2023  Owner: Adams P. & S. Event: Convened Judging
Description: Flowers well displayed on strong Upright inflorescences. 22 Inflorescences 495 Relevant 200mm flower count 34. All sepals Overall flower colour White group NN155C. Labellum base White NN155D overlaid blush Violet group 87C
Den. Avril's Gold 'Angus'
AD/AOC 2023 (VIC) 0.00  11.Jul.2023  Owner: Truong N. Event: Maribyrnog Club Meeting
Description: 2 inflorescences 40 flowers 16 buds, relevant length 535mm flower count 40, Note Distintive solid red colour with orange tips. All segments Red group 53A major colour with yellow orange group 23A tips, Labellum White group NN155B with heavy mottling Red/Purple group 61A.
Den. Esme Poulton 'Jean'
ACC/AOC 2023 (VIC) 78.60  20.Sep.2023  Owner: A. M. Fruend Event: Convened Judging
Description: 47 inflorescences 172 & 27 buds relevant 180mm 6 Flowers, all segments purple/Violet N81A overlaid On Purple/Blue Group 92D, Labellum Violet group 85C base colour With Striations Purple/Violet group N81B
Den. Esme Poulton 'Jean'
AM/AOC 2023 (VIC) 82.60  20.Sep.2023  Owner: A. M. Fruend Event: Convened Judging
Description: 47 inflorescences 172 & 27 buds relevant 180mm 6 Flowers, all segments purple/Violet N81A overlaid On Purple/Blue Group 92D, Labellum Violet group 85C base colour With Striations Purple/Violet group N81B
Den. Gillieston Glow 'Bernice'
ACC/AOC 2023 (VIC) 77.40  06.Sep.2023  Owner: Burgess B. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 94 Inflorescences 322 flowers and 6 buds, Relevant Inflorescence 42mm and 10 flowers. Petals Yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Red group 46A. Dorsal sepal Yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Red group 46D. Ventral sepals yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Redgroup 46C. Labellum yellow/Orange 15D with Dusting & striations of Red/Purple group 70A
Den. Gillieston Glow 'Bernice'
HCC/AOC 2023 (VIC) 78.80  06.Sep.2023  Owner: Burgess B. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 94 Inflorescences 322 flowers and 6 buds, Relevant Inflorescence 42mm and 10 flowers. Petals Yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Red group 46A. Dorsal sepal Yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Red group 46D. Ventral sepals yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Red group 46C. Labellum yellow/Orange 15D with Dusting & striations of Red/Purple group 70A
Den. Brimbank Mikado 'Solid One'
AM/AOC 2023 (VIC) 80.20  17.Aug.2023  Owner: Truong N. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 5 Inflorescences, 104 flowers, relevant inflorescence 190mm 27 flowers. All segments base colour Yellow/Orange group 21B, Labellum base colour Yellow 11B striping Red/Purple group 60A
Den. Hunter Legend 'Journey'
HCC/AOC 2023 (VIC) 78.60  17.Aug.2023  Owner: Truong N. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 19 Inflorescences 69 flowers and 2 buds, Relevant count 4, Length 55mm. All segments base colour Yellow group 147D striping and flush Red/purple group 60C. Labellum White group NN155D with picotee Red/Purple group 74A
Den. Dingadee Gold 'Vina Sun'
AM/AOC 2023 (VIC) 80.40  17.Aug.2023  Owner: Truong N. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 5 inflorescences 134 flowers 30 relevant relevant inflorescence 280mm. All segments base colour Yellow group 23B, Labellum White group 155D, with spotting of Red/Purple 60A
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