Award no: 5378
Genus: Rhynchostylis
Plant name:
Rhynchostylis retusa 'Christina'
Owner: Anderson R.  Show all awards this owner
Award: AM/AOC 2016 (QLD)
Points: 80.60
Date: 24.Feb.2016
Event: Special award judging
Description: 1 inflorescence of 350mm with 116 flowers;petals and sepals Red/purple 173D with markings of 78A and 79c; labellum red/purple 78B
Parentage: species  List all awards this grex or species
Flower length: 16.4
Flower width: 21.6
Flower petal: 9.3L 6W
Dorsal sepal: 9.4L 9.8W
Ventral sepal: 11L 98 W
Labellum: 9.6L 6W

Photos by: Kemp J.

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