What does the Australian Orchid Council Inc. (AOC) do? It provides:
- A national forum for the coordination of orchid growing across Australia and resolution of issues;
- A direct voice to clubs in the management of the affairs of the Council;
- Publication of one of the worlds best orchid magazines, Orchids Australia , and other cultural books and literature for growers across Australia;
- Operation of this website, providing information and links to other quality sites to the world;
- A unified national judging system granting awards of excellence to growers and not only providing the basis for show judging but in many cases the judges;
- Access to a comprehensive Digital library of some 180 programs;
- A national focus through the AOC Conservation Director for the conservation of our native orchid species;
- Ability to purchase at significant discount, a range of quality orchid specific products and cultural books for re-sale;
- A quality range of orchid-specific trophies for use in shows or for awards;
- Coordination and allocation of national conferences and provision of conference medals;
- Opportunity for members to participate in official AOC tours to World Orchid Conferences;
- A national badge symbolizing the unity of our national hobby, for growers to purchase;
- Liaison with Government on national issues of relevance, e.g. CITES;
- Australian point of contact for other international orchid bodies.
Applications for Membership:
Group Members: Orchid clubs and societies, apply in writing to The Secretary, Australian Orchid Council, 88 Wehl Street North, MT GAMBIER, SA. 5290 Personal Members: This is automatically part of a subscription to Orchids Australia. Subscription can be made Online here
Australian Orchid Council - Officers
President | Dr. Marion Davey | 08 8927 8189 Mobile: 04 2875 7550 email: |
Vice- President | Mr. Barry Kable | email: |
Vice- President | Mr Ken Slew | 04 0171 1390 |
Secretary | Mrs Eleanor Wilks | email: |
Treasurer | Mrs Thea Shaughnessy | 08 8725 9051 Postal: PO Box 2945, Mount Gambier, SA 5290 Email: |
Registrar General of Judging | Mr Stephen Lynch | 04 2815 2235 PO Box 530, Loveday, SA 5345 Email: |
Deputy Registrar of Judging | Mr Ian Chalmers FAOC | 02 9525 7215 |
Regional Registrars of Judging: | ||
Queensland | Mr Les Vickers | 07 3396 8060 |
New South Wales | Mr Ian Chalmers | 02 9525 7215 |
Victoria | Mr Hendrik Venter | 04 6891 6875 |
Tasmania | Ms Priscilla Greve | |
South Australia | Mr Stephen Lynch | 08 8588 7384 |
Western Australia | Ms Maxine Godbeer | 08 9295 5448 Mobile: 04 1892 6158 |
Northern Territory | Dr Marion Davey | 08 8927 8189 Mobile: 04 2875 7550 email: |
Programme Director | Mr Jim Shaughnessy | 08 8725 9051 Postal: 88 Wehl St. North, Mount Gambier, SA 5290 |
Publications Director | Mrs Marianne Lynch | 04 3968 8483 Email: |
Editor Orchids Australia | Mr Stephen Lynch | 08 8588 7384 PO Box 530, Loveday, SA 5345 Email: |
Conservation Director | vacant | |
AOC Constitution & By-Laws: Download document
Australian Orchid Council Inc. some history:
The Australian Orchid Council Inc. of today is a far cry from that founded in 1960. After a number of years of turmoil, a new Constitution was adopted in 1997. Perhaps the most significant changes here were: the State representation at Council being handed to a STRO (State or Territory Representative Organization) with the former State member bodies being termed "Foundation Members" and having equal voting with other clubs in their home state; the introduction of Personal Membership as part of a subscription to Orchids Australia; and the separation of the Regional Judging Panels.
Foundation Members:
- Orchid Society of New South Wales Inc.
- Victorian Orchid Club Inc.
- Tasmanian Orchid Society Inc.
- Orchid Society of the Northern Territory Inc.
- Queensland Orchid Society Inc.
- Orchid Society of Western Australia Inc.
- Orchid Club of South Australia Inc.