What does the Australian Orchid Council Inc. (AOC) do? It provides:

  • A national forum for the coordination of orchid growing across Australia and resolution of issues;
  • A direct voice to clubs in the management of the affairs of the Council;
  • Publication of one of the worlds best orchid magazines, Orchids Australia , and other cultural books and literature for growers across Australia;
  • Operation of this website, providing information and links to other quality sites to the world;
  • A unified national judging system granting awards of excellence to growers and not only providing the basis for show judging but in many cases the judges;
  • Access to a comprehensive Digital library of some 180 programs;
  • A national focus through the AOC Conservation Director for the conservation of our native orchid species;
  • Ability to purchase at significant discount, a range of quality orchid specific products and cultural books for re-sale;
  • A quality range of orchid-specific trophies for use in shows or for awards;
  • Coordination and allocation of national conferences and provision of conference medals;
  • Opportunity for members to participate in official AOC tours to World Orchid Conferences;
  • A national badge symbolizing the unity of our national hobby, for growers to purchase;
  • Liaison with Government on national issues of relevance, e.g. CITES;
  • Australian point of contact for other international orchid bodies.

Applications for Membership:

Group Members: Orchid clubs and societies, apply in writing to The Secretary, Australian Orchid Council, 88 Wehl Street North, MT GAMBIER, SA. 5290 Personal Members: This is automatically part of a subscription to Orchids Australia. Subscription can be made Online here


Australian Orchid Council - Officers

President Mr Ken Slew 04 0171 1390
Vice- President Mr. Barry Kable email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281 Redland Bay Road, CAPALABA QLD 4157
Vice- President Mr John Harris FAOC -
Secretary Mrs Nette Meggetto 03 5627 6303   email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Postal: PO Box 96, Drouin VIC 3818
Treasurer Mrs Thea Shaughnessy 08 8725 9051  Postal: PO Box 2945, Mount Gambier, SA 5290
                         Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Registrar General of Judging Mr Stephen Lynch 04 2815 2235  PO Box 530, Loveday, SA 5345 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deputy Registrar of Judging Mr Ian Chalmers FAOC 02 9525 7215
Regional Registrars of Judging:    
     Queensland Mr Les Vickers 07 3396 8060
     New South Wales Mr Ian Chalmers 02 9525 7215
     Victoria Mr Hendrik Venter 04 6891 6875
     Tasmania Ms Priscilla Greve  
     South Australia Mr Stephen Lynch 08 8588 7384
     Western Australia Ms Maxine Godbeer 08 9295 5448 Mobile: 04 1892 6158
     Northern Territory Dr Marion Davey 08 8927 8189 Mobile: 04 2875 7550 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Programme Director Mr Jim Shaughnessy 08 8725 9051 Postal: 88 Wehl St. North, Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Publications Director Mrs Marianne Lynch 04 3968 8483  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Editor Orchids Australia Mr Stephen Lynch 08 8588 7384  PO Box 530, Loveday, SA 5345 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Conservation Director vacant  


CONTACT us by Email


AOC Constitution & By-LawsDownload document


Australian Orchid Council Inc. some history:

The Australian Orchid Council Inc. of today is a far cry from that founded in 1960. After a number of years of turmoil, a new Constitution was adopted in 1997. Perhaps the most significant changes here were: the State representation at Council being handed to a STRO (State or Territory Representative Organization) with the former State member bodies being termed "Foundation Members" and having equal voting with other clubs in their home state; the introduction of Personal Membership as part of a subscription to Orchids Australia; and the separation of the Regional Judging Panels.

Foundation Members:

  • Orchid Society of New South Wales Inc.
  • Victorian Orchid Club Inc.
  • Tasmanian Orchid Society Inc.
  • Orchid Society of the Northern Territory Inc.
  • Queensland Orchid Society Inc.
  • Orchid Society of Western Australia Inc.
  • Orchid Club of South Australia Inc.