Award no: 5466
Genus: Paphiopedilum
Plant name:
Paphiopedilum wardii 'TOM 1'
Owner: Tay S.  Show all awards this owner
Award: AM/AOC 2016 (NSW)
Points: 81.40
Date: 18.Aug.2016
Event: St Ives Orchid Fair Aug 2016
Description: 1 inflorescence of 260mm with 1 flower; petals Base colour grey orange 177B with spotting of grey purple 187A; sepals White NN155B with fine lines of yellow green 144C; labellum Base colour of yellow green 145C heavily suffused with grey purple 187A
Parentage: species  List all awards this grex or species
Flower length: 98.0
Flower width: 116.0
Flower petal: 77L 19W
Dorsal sepal: 54L 37W
Ventral sepal: 48L 27W
Labellum: 52L 28W

Photos by: Bromley G.

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