Award no: 6434
Genus: Paphiopedilum
Plant name:
Paphiopedilum micranthum 'TOM No.4'
Owner: Tay S.  Show all awards this owner
Award: FCC/AOC 2020 (NSW)
Points: 86.50
Date: 07.Oct.2020
Event: North Shore OS October meeting
Description: 1 inflorescence of 175mm with 1 flower; petals white NN155D with flush of yellow 2C across centre of petal. Stripes and bars of purple 76C on white section and grey purple 186C on yellow section; sepals white NN155D with strong yellow flush of yellow 2C
Parentage: species  List all awards this grex or species
Flower length: 89.0
Flower width: 80.0
Flower petal: 42L 40W
Dorsal sepal: 35L 33W
Ventral sepal: 32L 23W
Labellum: 64L 52W

Photos by: Bromley G

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