Award no: 6935
Genus: Dendrobium
Plant name:
Den. Gillieston Glow 'Bernice'
Owner: Burgess B.  Show all awards this owner
Award: ACC/AOC 2023 (VIC)
Points: 77.40
Date: 06.Sep.2023
Event: Convened Judging
Description: 94 Inflorescences 322 flowers and 6 buds, Relevant Inflorescence 42mm and 10 flowers. Petals Yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Red group 46A. Dorsal sepal Yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Red group 46D. Ventral sepals yellow/Orange 19A with dusting of Redgroup 46C. Labellum yellow/Orange 15D with Dusting & striations of Red/Purple group 70A
Parentage: Dendrobium (Stephen x fuliginosum)  List all awards this grex or species
Flower length: 22.0
Flower width: 29.0
Flower petal: 13L x 6W
Dorsal sepal: 14L x 4W
Ventral sepal: 12L x 5W
Labellum: 15L x 7W

Photos by: R. Montieth

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