Authurara Sea Snake 'Unforgettable'
AM/AOC 2024 (TAS) 80.60  24.Aug.2024  Owner: Dalrymple C. Event: Convened Judging
Description: Huge flowers with good substance on strong raceme, 1 relevant inflorescence 12 flowers & 2 buds. All segments Base colour Yellow Green 146D Markings Greyed Purple 187A. Labellum Base colour Greyed Yellow 162A, Markings Greyed purple 185B.
Masd. Preston 'Lucifer'
FCC/AOC 2024 (TAS) 88.30  20.Aug.2024  Owner: Maney A. & I. Event: Convened Meeting
Description: Strong thick substance on strong inflorescence. 2 inflorerscences 1 flower relevant & 1 bud relevant inflorescence 180mm all segments Grayed Orange 169A, spots 172B, top caudae 172A, Bottom Caudae 170A
Coelogyne saccolabia ' Hienz'
ACM/AOC 2024 (TAS) 84.20  17.Aug.2024  Owner: Greve P. & Hardstaff N. Event: Launceston Orchid Society meeting
Description: Clean even growth, excellent flowering all round. 143 inflorescences 5720 flowers and 20 Buds relevant 40 on an inflorescence of 270mm. Flower segments including Labellum Red group 45C
Masd. King Leon 'Beau'
HCC/AOC 2024 (TAS) 78.50  14.Aug.2024  Owner: Greve P. & Hardstaff N. Event: Convened Meeting
Description: 2 inflorescences 1 flower relevant. Good Substance/Distinctive markings. Petals Yellow group C, Dorsal & Ventral sepals -Greyed Orange group 169B, Labellum Purple group N77, Caudae Red/Purple group 59A.
Den. Surprisekayla 'Jess'
AM/AOC 2024 (TAS) 80.50  10.Aug.2024  Owner: Simmonds R. Event: Judges Meeting
Description: Good substance and texture. 4 inflorescemces 78 flowers, 24 Relevant on an inflorescence of 245mm. Segments Yellow group 11C Markings Red/Purple 64D, Labellum Red/Purple group 64B
Masd.  Alan F. Garner 'Halle'
AD/AOC 2023 (TAS) 0.00  25.Nov.2023  Owner: Pinner J. Event: DOS Sarc & Masdevallia Show
Description: 6 Inflorescences 4 flowers +2 buds Relevant 170mm 1 flower, Base colour Red group N45B striping redgroup 60A, Caudae Red Group 46A, Dorsal- Yellow/Orange group 22A,
Sarco. Tomas Kinsella 'Heinz'
AM/AOC 2023 (TAS) 80.70  18.Nov.2023  Owner: Greve P. & Hardstaff N. Event: L.O.S Sarco & Masdevallia Show
Description: 2 inflorescences Total flower count 18 & 1 Bud, Relevant 210mm 11 Flowers. All segments Petals and Sepals- White N155C with Red/Purple centre 60A, Labellum- Yellow/Orange group 22B.
Dendrobium strioliatum 'Teddy'
ACM/AOC 2023 (TAS) 80.60  06.Oct.2023  Owner: Maney A. & I. Event: Devonport spring Show
Description: 525 Inflorescences with 525 flowers & 24 Buds Relevant 44mm, 1 flower. Large plant, large flowers with good consistent coverage over the entire plant. All segments Greyed Yellow group 162C with Red/Purple group striping 64B. Labellum White group N155
Dracula Quasimodo 'Jody'
AM/AOC 2023 (TAS) 82.60  11.Jun.2023  Owner: Maney A. & I. Event: DOS Meeting
Description: Total number of flowers 3 open & 3 buds, Length of relevant inflorescence 180mm, very good substance and texture. Segments White Group N155B overlaid Greyed Purple 184A Caudae greyed Purple 184A. Labellum Purple Pink 62D
Sarco. Moonglow 'Barry'
HCC/AOC 2023 (TAS) 77.80  27.Nov.2021  Owner: Poke B. & C. Event: Devonport Sarcochilus & Masdevailia Show
Description: Number of inflorescences 9, Total flower count 105 & 6 buds, Relevant flower count 16, length of relevant inflorescence 280mm. Segments- Base colour of White group 155D with a heavy overlay of Red/Purple group 60A, Segments purple group N75D to purple group N75A labellum Yellow/Orange group 15A, with a horizontal stripe of Orange group 25A
Cymbidium suave 'Glo's Joy'
HCC/AOC 2019 (TAS) 78.80  23.Nov.2019  Owner: Grice G. Event: Devonport Sarc show
Description: 22 inflorescences of 380mm with 689 flowers and 66 buds (35 relevant);petals and sepals Yellow/green 145A; labellum Yellow/green 185A with distal end 153B
Masd. Pink Gem 'Sugilite'
HCC/AOC 2018 (TAS) 76.50  10.Oct.2018  Owner: Walker S. & R. Event: Burnie OS show
Description: one inflorescence of 300mm with 1 flower; Base colour of flower purple/violet 81D with stripes of purple/violet 80B on dorsdal sepal and the tip of tails on ventral sepals orange 27B
Masd. Bay of Fires 'Whoop Whoop'
AM/AOC 2018 (TAS) 83.00  17.Jun.2018  Owner: Poke C. Event: Ross judges' meet
Description: 2 inflorescences of 300mm with 2 flowers' Overal colour grey/orange 168C, overlay of red 47 on dorsal sepal and tails of red 168A on ventral sepals
Masd. Bay of Fires 'Crown Vista'
AM/AOC 2017 (TAS) 82.40  29.Sep.2017  Owner: Ling P. Event: 21st Tasmanian state conference
Description: 3 inflorescences of 290mm with 1 flowers + 2 buds; Red 46A with Red 45B
Masd. Curacao 'Crown Vista'
AM/AOC 2017 (TAS) 83.60  13.Oct.2017  Owner: Ling P. Event: Burnie OS spring show
Description: 2 inflorescences of 240mm with 1 flower; Orange A+B (??); tails grey/purple 185A
Dendrobium striolatum 'Susannah'
AM/AOC 2017 (TAS) 80.40  13.Oct.2017  Owner: Kanarev M. Event: Burnie OS spring show
Description: 89 inflorescences of 55mm with 141 flowers; petals and sepals Grey/green 196B with Red/purple stripes 61A; labellum white 155D
Den. Kayla 'Sunnyside'
AM/AOC 2017 (TAS) 80.70  29.Sep.2017  Owner: Maney A. & I. Event: Devonport OS spring show
Description: 10 inflorescences of 190mm with 200 flowers (24 relevant); petals and sepals white 155D; labellum Red/purple 59B
Lyc. Pipers Pride 'Lachlan'
AM/AOC 2016 (TAS) 81.30  30.Sep.2016  Owner: Pinner J. Event: Devonport OS spring show
Description: 7 inflorescences with 3 flowers and 4 buds (1 relevant) base white with pink suffusion.
Masd. Clarendon Glory 'Jackson'
AM/AOC 2016 (TAS) 81.80  12.Nov.2016  Owner: Brooks W. & Johnson V. Event: Devonport Sarc and Masd show
Description: 1 inflorescence of 300mm and 1 flower; red group 45A with orange/red 46A
Sarco. Donna Gaye 'Mr. Darcey'
AM/AOC 2016 (TAS) 81.00  12.Nov.2016  Owner: Pinner J. Event: Devonport Sarc and Masd show
Description: 2 inflorescences of 260mm with 20 flowers +7 buds (12 relevant); petals and sepals white 155C with rdial markings red 46B
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