Award no: 6623
Genus: Dendrobium
Plant name:
Dendrobium fleckeri 'Murray'
Owner: Harding M. & Lester D.  Show all awards this owner
Award: ACM/AOC 2021 (VIC)
Points: 81.00
Date: 17.Nov.2021
Event: WAS meeting
Description: 36 inflorescences of 30mm with 76 flowers and 15 buds (3 relevant); petals and sepals yellow/orange 23B; labellum yellow/green 154B with Red 42B speckles
Parentage: species  List all awards this grex or species
Flower length: 42.0
Flower width: 42.0
Flower petal: 22L 4W
Dorsal sepal: 28L 9W
Ventral sepal: 25L 10W
Labellum: 8L 6W
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