Van. Pine Rivers 'Greg Hales'
ACM/AOC 2023 (NT) 82.00  20.Dec.2023  Owner: Hales G. & Dunstan A. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 5 inflorescences total flower count 139 + 27 buds, Relevant inflorescence flower count 35 + 2 buds length 340mm. All segments background Purple/ Violet 78A, Tesselations 80A, Labellum Purple 77A.
Van. Pine Rivers 'Greg Hales'
AM/AOC 2023 (NT) 80.00  20.Dec.2023  Owner: Hales G. & Dunstan A. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 5 inflorescences total flower count 139 + 27 buds, Relevant inflorescence flower count 35 + 2 buds length 340mm. All segments background Purple/ Violet 78A, Tesselations 80A, Labellum Purple 77A.
Paph. Shin-Yi Isabel 'Milo'
HCC/AOC 2022 (NT) 78.00  27.Sep.2022  Owner: McKeon B. & S. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 1 inflorescence 4 flowers, relevant inflorescence length 560mm flower count 4. Very long petals Yellow/Green group 154C with Greyed/Orange 165B spots, Greyed/Orange 166A frilling on edge; sepals Yellow/Green group 154C with Greyed/Orange 166A stripes; labellum Greyed/Orange 165A graduating to Yellow/Green group 154C, fringed with Greyed/Orange 166A
Tolu. Golden Sunset 'Myra's Sunshine'
AM/AOC 2022 (NT) 82.00  22.Sep.2022  Owner: Hales G. & Dunstan A. Event: Nightcliff OS Spring Show
Description: 3 inflorescences, 74 total flower count 17 buds. Relevant inflorescence length 380mm flower count 31 and 9 buds. All segments Red group 46A; labellum base colour Yellow group 7C even spotting Red group 46A
Papilionanda Memoria Barbara Swan 'DIGNA-EDNA'
ACM/AOC 2022 (NT) 83.00  22.Sep.2022  Owner: Hales G. & Dunstan A. Event: Nightcliff OS Spring Show
Description: 5 inflorescences, total flower count 32 and 10 buds, relevant inflorescence length 255mm flower count 8 and 1 bud. All segments Yellow/Green 154C, regular tesselations of 199B; labellum Greyed/Red 182C with striping of Yellow/Green 154C
Papilionanda Memoria Barbara Swan 'DIGNA-EDNA'
HCC/AOC 2022 (NT) 78.00  22.Sep.2022  Owner: Hales G. & Dunstan A. Event: Nightcliff OS Spring Show
Description: 5 inflorescences, total flower count 32 and 10 buds, relevant inflorescence length 255mm flower count 8 and 1 bud. All segments Yellow/Green 154C, regular tesselations of 199B; labellum Greyed/Red 182C with striping of Yellow/Green 154C
C. Topaz Elite 'Thelma'
HCC/AOC 2022 (NT) 76.00  22.Sep.2022  Owner: Fett D. Event: Nightcliff OS Spring Show
Description: 4 inflorescences, total flower count 9. Relevant inflorescence length 140mm flower count 3. All segments White group 155A. Labellum faint Yellow 11A patches laterally, Red/Purple 71A distal end, edging Red/Purple group 57D
Den. Goldmine 'Ariaso-Corre'
HCC/AOC 2022 (NT) 79.00  18.Jun.2022  Owner: Dunstan A. Event: Orchid Spectacular show
Description: 8 inflorescences of 480mm with 125 flowers and 16 buds (21 relevant); petals and sepals yellow 7A overlaid with faint striations of red 53B; labellum yellow 3A stripes on side lobes red 53A
Bulbophyllum rufinum 'Judith'
ACE/AOC 2022 (NT) 86.00  18.Jun.2022  Owner: Henderson S. Event: Orchid Spectacular show
Description: 146 inflorescences of 380mm with 5110 flowers and 292 buds (41+2 relevant);
Bulb. Meen Nora Fingers 'Karl's Fingers'
HCC/AOC 2022 (NT) 76.00  18.Jun.2022  Owner: Fett D. & S. Event: Orchid Spectacular show
Description: 8 inflorescences of 170mm with 29 flowers and 39 buds (10 relevant); petals labellum and dorsal sepal Red purple 59A; ventral sepal Red purple 59A fading distally to Red purple 66D
V. Teacher's Fantastic 'Anne Marie'
HCC/AOC 2022 (NT) 79.00  31.Jan.2022  Owner: Fett D. Event: Convened Judging
Description: 1 inflorescence of 420mm with 12 flowers and 1 bud; petals and sepals Greyed yellow 160C overlaid with Red purple 70A with the overlay tending to purple 77A on ventral sepals; labellum Black 202A with side lobes and column yellow 12A
Procatavola Key Lime Stars 'Alamar'
HCC/AOC 2021 (NT) 76.00  02.Oct.2021  Owner: Davey M. Event: Nightcliff OS spring show
Description: 1 inflorescence of 130mm with 5 flowers; petals and sepals Green/yellow 1A; labellum Yellow 11D throat yellow green 154C
Rlc. Taiwan Chief Wine 'Big Red Fetty'
HCC/AOC 2021 (NT) 76.00  10.Sep.2021  Owner: Fett D. & S. Event: Convened panel
Description: 1 inflorescence of 130mm with 2 flowers; petals and sepals Red 47A; labellum Red 53A with orange/red 30A spots
Rhynchostylis gigantea 'Fetty's Gold'
AD/AOC 2021 (NT) 0.00  09.Aug.2021  Owner: Fett D. & S. Event: Monthly meeting
Description: 2 inflorescences of 240mm with 67 flowers and 1 bud (38 relevant); petals and sepals Yellow 10C flushing to orange 29C; labellum white 155D with base of column green 143D
Den. Hsinying Frostymaree 'Alamar'
HCC/AOC 2021 (NT) 76.00  20.Jun.2021  Owner: Davey M. Event: Litchfield Orchid Clubs Orchid Spect.
Description: 13 solitary flowers with pedical of 43mm; petals Orange 26B with faint striations of 25B; sepals orange 24C; labellum orange 28A with a distal band of 28B
V. Kulwadee Fragrance 'number 2'
HCC/AOC 2021 (NT) 76.00  16.Mar.2021  Owner: Promnitz B. Event: Nightcliffe OS meeting
Description: 2 inflorescences of 240mm with 13 flowers (7 relevant); petals and dorsal sepal violet 84C with spotting Greyed/purple 79B; ventral sepals Greyed/yellow 160B with spotting Greyed/purple 79B; labellum purple 79A with side lobes of yellow/orange 14B
Ren. Amayani 'Alamar'
HCC/AOC 2020 (NT) 79.50  15.Sep.2020  Owner: Davey M. Event: Nightcliff OS show
Description: 1 inflorescence of 680mm with 50 flowers and 13 buds; petals and dorsal sepal orange 29A ventral sepals orange/red 32B but all dotted with red/purple 61A; labellum yellow/orange 24B dotted with red/purple 61A
Bulb. JM Guilloty 'Alamar'
HCC/AOC 2020 (NT) 79.90  24.Aug.2020  Owner: Davey M. Event: Convened judging
Description: 2 inflorescences of 50mm with 7 flowers and 2 buds (7 relevant); petals and dorsal sepal Yellow/orange 22B overlaid with lines of dashed greyed/red 178A; ventral sepals Red 38Coverlaid with stripes of greyed/red 178A; labellum Greyed/purple 183B
Rhynvandopsis Memoria Mary Nattrass 'DERF'
HCC/AOC 2020 (NT 77.00  10.Aug.2020  Owner: Fett D. & S. Event: Convened panel
Description: 2 inflorescences of 55mm with 32 flowers and 11 buds (18 relevant);petals and sepals orange/white 159D with blotches of red/purple 60C; labellumorange/white 159D with stripes of purple/violet 82A
Dendrobium kirchianum 'Nan Ryan'
ACM/AOC 2020 (NT) 83.00  13.Jun.2020  Owner: Ryan M. Event: convened judging
Description: 140 inflorecences of 20mm with 129 flowers and 11 buds (1 relevant); petals and sepals white 155A; labellum white 155D , calli yellow 9C and a fine line of Red/purple 72A around medial edges.
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